Ryan Q C Homes Ltd can offer you a wide range of residential care and domiciliary services. Our staff team are experienced in working with people who need varying levels of assistance. We are registered with CQC to support people with

  • learning disabilities
  • profound and complex needs
  • physical disabilities

You can access our services here at Ryan Q C Homes Ltd  from just a few hours a week right up to full 24-hour support and guidance. We can support you to live in one of our residential care homes or your own home or as a tenant within a supported living scheme. We will help you to be as independent as you can be, without leaving you vulnerable and empower you to have a genuine choice about how you live your life.

We believe that everyone has the right to live as independently as they can and in a way that they feel most happy with. If you are interested in trying new hobbies and activities, we can help you find what is available. If you want to get more involved in your community, we will support you to join local community groups that interest you but only if that is what you really want because if you want to live a private life and not get too involved with community things that’s okay too. Ryan QC Homes Ltd are committed to ensuring they provide a well trained, highly motivated staff team that ensures the companies very high professional standards are promoted and maintained at all levels.  We make sure that the people we offer support and guidance to feel safe and we respect their privacy. We listen to what they want and what they say about our service and respond accordingly to all feedback.

”We have been at the forefront of providing innovative and effective care and support services to people with a learning disability since January 1998”

Our care promise

Your home is managed by Ryan QC Homes Ltd. We promise to provide good quality accommodation and care, commensurate with your individual needs.

We promise

  1. To make your home comfortable and safe
  2. To help you live as independently as you wish.
  3. To provide experienced competent care staff.

Standards We have set the following standards for home life. 1. When you move in Moving in to a new place can be difficult. We will support you settle in. 2. Taking part in home life We want you to take part in the life of the home. We will ask you about all matters that affect you. You can have a say when decisions are made. 3. Privacy We will respect your privacy at all times. 4. Dignity We will respect your personal dignity at all times. 5. Independence We want you to be as independent as you wish. We will support and promote your independence. 6. Choice We will help you make choices about your daily life and the care you receive. We will give you the information you need to make choices. 7. Your rights You have rights as a citizen. We respect these rights, regardless of your:

  • Age
  • Ability
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Religion

8. Care services The care you receive will be based on a personal assessment. Care will be given sensitively and professionally. 9. Medicines We will ensure that you receive the correct medicines at the right times. 10. Records We will keep accurate records to ensure that your care is monitored. 11. Management We have clear management procedures. These ensure that your home is well run. 12. Staff We will manage staff resources so that they meet the needs of residents. 13. Policies and Procedures We have written policies and procedures. These support the management of the home and guide staff with their responsibilities. 14. Building and Equipment The building and equipment will ensure safe, efficient and effective care of residents, staff and visitors. The home will have the right facilities to meet its aims and objectives. 15. Health and Safety Management We have systems in place to ensure health and safety for all residents, staff and visitors. We have systems for fire safety.16. Housekeeping Catering, housekeeping and laundry services will meet the needs of residents, staff and visitors to a high standard.

Lifestyle Choices ________________________________________ Supporting disabled people to live life to the full

What is Lifestyle Choices? Lifestyle Choices helps disabled people to have a fuller life outside their home. We can support you to make friends and do things you enjoy in your community. Would you like the opportunity to do more? Well, Lifestyle Choices can help. You will get a one-to-one service from us. What you want to do is the most important thing to us. There are lots of opportunities in your local area. Here are just some of the activities we can support you to try.

  • Photography
  • Swimming
  • Art
  • Computers
  • Sailing
  • Gardening
  • Sports

Charter of Care________________________________________

FOR RESIDENTIAL CARE AIMS The home in which you plan to live is part of Ryan Q C Homes Ltd. Our aims in the provision of residential care are: 1. To provide residents with a comfortable and secure living environment which is respected as their home. 2. To offer stimulation and encouragement for each person to enable them to fulfill their physical, emotional and spiritual needs and to promote their independence in the manner they would wish. 3. To only ever employ staff who are capable of providing the best and most appropriate personal care and support and through development and training assist each member of staff to achieve this.

Standards for residential homes We will work to the following standards, which have been developed to help the Organisation maintain, review and improve services 1 Preparation for home life Ryan Q C Homes Ltd recognises and respects the effects that moving into a home can have on individual and ensures that each home can respond to the variety of needs and emotions that are being experienced. 2 Participation in home life Residents are consulted about all matters that affect their lives and are enabled to play a part in the day to day life of the home and influence decision making. 3 Privacy The residents privacy is maintained and respected at all times. 4 Dignity The individual dignity of residents is respected at all times. 5 Independence Within Ryan Q C Homes Ltd the independence of residents is recognised, supported and promoted. 6 Choice Residents are enabled to make informed choice about their daily lives and the care they receive. 7 Up-holding the Rights of Residents The rights and citizenship of individuals are recognised, irrespective of their age, ability, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious persuasion. 8 The residents care Care meets the assessed needs of the individual resident and is delivered in a sensitive and systematic way. 9 Management of medicines The procedures for the administration of medicines ensure that the correct medication is given to the correct person at the right time and in accordance with UKCC standards and legal and local registration requirements. 10 Record Keeping The Homes record keeping system ensures that each individuals care is accurately monitored and documented in accordance with Ryan Q C Homes Ltd guidelines. 11 Management Arrangements There are clear management structures and arrangements in place to enable the home to meet its aims and objectives. 12 Human Resources Staff are deployed effectively and efficiently to meet the needs of residents. 13 Policies and Procedures There are written policies and procedures which support the management of the home and guide staff in the function and responsibilities of the home. 14 Building Facilities and Equipment The environment, facilities and equipment ensure safe, efficiently and effective care of residents, staff and visitors and enable the aims and objectives of the home to be achieved. 15 Health and Safety Management There are administrative systems in place which ensures compliance with health and safety legislation and fire safety requirements for all residents, staff and visitors. 16 Housekeeping Catering, housekeeping and laundry/linen services that meet the needs of residents, staff and visitors are provided to a high standard and ensure the health and safety requirements are fully met.